iknowaboutpopular.com would like to extend a hearty congrats to Mr. Marty Hood for calling Ryan Shattuck on his Bullshattuck.com guarantee. Marty I hope you and your Apple gift card will be very happy together.
My friend Jason sent me this quote and news article today. I laughed at the quote at first thinking how dorky our love for White House Press Secretary CJ Creig is. But then I opened the article.
This article made me a little ill actually. But I guess these are the types of people our government feels comfortable dealing with. It's amazing what human rights violations we're willing to overlook just as long as there is oil in your country.
Anyway here is the quote and it is probably my favorite CJ Creig quote ever. To put it into context CJ has just leared from the news wires that 17 Saudi school girls were forced to stay in a burning building and die because they weren't wearing the proper clothing to be seen in public. This was her response to the question "Aren't you outraged"
"Outraged? I'm barely surprised. This is a country where women aren't allowed to drive a car. They're not allowed to be in the company of any man other than a close relative, they're required to adhere to a dress code that would make the Maryknoll Nun look like Malibu Barbie. They beheaded 121 people last year for robbery, rape, and drug trafficking, they've no free press, no elected government, no political parties, and the royal family allows the religious police to travel in groups of six, carrying nightsticks and they freely and publicly beat women. But "Brutus is an honorable man." Seventeen schoolgirls were forced to burn alive because they weren't wearing the proper clothing. Am I outraged? No, Steve. No Chris. No, Mark. That is Saudi Arabia, our partners in peace."
If only there were someone in our current administraton who thought like this.
And just to lighten the mood... Another reason why I love this woman.
Seriously?!? The Jesus Tree Topper Top your Christmas tree with this Jesus tree topper, and remember the real meaning of Christmas. If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto Me. It is truely beautiful. Top quality, real silk gown, made of resin, nail prints in hands, and 12" tall. Lights up when plugged in. King of Glory. Hollow in center. Not sold anywhere else, our own patented design. Can be used all year round, even Easter.
I can't decide if I like this song or not. Nobody fucks with Heart... but it's Celine... The single greatest selling female artist of all time... Tell me what you think.
Blog update... Upon finding this video I think I've made up my mind.
I enjoy ice water with lemon, negotiations, love songs, cold cereal, rock star parking spaces, making people pretty, old favorites, comfy jammies, peonies, sexy restaurants, Sunday NYTimes, constant friends and gardeners, secret trysts, singing, dancing, retail therapy, late night talks, Damien Rice, “Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening”, brunching with friends, good coffee, sad songs, home movies, PBS, moments alone, holidays, good news, a homemade blanket, sole control of the arm rest, fresh breath, touchable clothes, road trips, e.e.cummings, the first snow, giggling, French cuisine, hearing a good story, telling a good story, living a good story, comfort of lips you know, farmers markets, little things, laughing till your sides hurt, new magazines, books you can't put down, Cafe Rio Salad, schmancy hotels, surprises, 400+thread count sheets, new car smell, text messages, haiku, crocodile tears, raspberry ice tea, DVR, cookie dough ice cream, women of substance, May flowers, Summer rains, Autumn leaves, perfect snowflakes, witty banter, flip-flops, alliteration, fountain drinks, men in expensive suits, holding hands and getting slammed against walls in the best possible way.